Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day...

Memorial Day: a day we give thanks to those who fought for what we have. Thank you! Went to the office today and caught up on a lot of work. Going on vacation in 18 days and want to get as far ahead as I can so whoever covers me will not have too much to do other than the normal day to day stuff. Plus, I don't want any phone calls from work unless the building is on fire and they have to save my bobbleheads!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Early (and I mean EARLY) in the morning...

It's just past 1:30am here, and I just got back from a home poker game. Played 2 tournaments, and lost in both. Then played a cash game and was up over $60. One bad hand and most of it was gone. Three hands later, the rest was gone. On the plus side, I came in 2nd place in a tournament last night, and didn't lose nearly the amount I won in that tournament, so it is OK in the end. Had a good time. Now just very tired. Drove home feeling like I was drunk, so made sure I drove slowly and carefully (wow I sound old!). Now it's time for a 3-day weekend. Too bad I will be monitoring emails for work all weekend and working on Monday. Such is life. TTFN!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Thank you...

Sorry, this is a short post because I have to get something from my mind into this blog... Twenty-eight years ago, I met my future. Sometimes, though, fate has other plans for me, and caused me to let my future go in a different direction without me. Today, I have found the path again. This time, there is no way that someone is pushing me off. So, to that someone special, please remember the song by Air Supply "Two Less Lonely People In The World".

Monday, May 20, 2013

Gone too long...

And for that I am sorry. I have had so much going on both at work and at home, that I wound up putting something I loved doing under a blanket and hiding. Well, guess what? I found my way out. Trust me when I say (1) it's about fucking time (2) I have not been this happy in a LONG LONG time! This past Sunday, I flew to CT for a business trip. Went through OMU (Order Management University). My boss knows I knew most of what they were going to teach but she knew I have never been to the home office and wanted me to go there to see everyone and say hello. She also offered me a chance to go home to L.I. for the weekend and Unilever would pay for the ticket home this Sunday rather than Friday if the price wasn't too much more. It was $9 more, so I got to stay. Went to L.I. on Friday and just got home about an hour ago. I had the BEST time there. Friday night, I went to a diner for dinner and texted a dear friend who I haven't spoken to in way too long. I didn't know what to expect, and I was more than pleasantly surprised that she was glad to hear from me. After a short text conversation and plans to meet Saturday for coffee, I went driving for a couple of hours around the old neighborhood. Saturday, we were not meeting until noon, and I was up at 7, so I showered and went driving around some more. Went to Captree State Park, which is where I did all my fishing when I was a kid. Then went to meet my friend for coffee, and we talked for a couple of hours. After that, I went back to my hotel roosm for awhile, hoping we were going to meet up again that evening. I texted her around 7pm, and she said she probably couldn't make it out. So, I went out driving again to look at a few more areas I hadn't gotten to. Then she texted me later and said she could be by me about 8:30. Oh shit! I'm on the other side of the county and have NO way of turning my car around. Have to beat her back! LOL! I made it back to my hotel before she got to the area, so that worked. We met at D&B for a little while but it was so loud we couldn't talk. So we went to my hotel room and sat on the couch talking until 4am. Then today, I went to Belmont Race Track and stayed until about 3pm, then went to the airport to fly back to Arkansas. Next month (26 1/2 days) I am going back to Long Island for 6 days! You have NO idea how excited I am. Why? I don't have to rush around to see everything. I get to go fishing. I get to go to a casino and NOT rush around. But most of all, and what I didn't expect until this weekend was almost over, is that I get to see the person I have wanted in my life my entire life. Twenty plus years ago, I met this woman and knew she was the one. Unfortunately circumstances in my life caused me to be bitter, rude, insensitive, and basically a sonofabitch to her. More than once actually. It took me a very long time, but I've finally grown up. Now, please don't get me wrong... I love this woman more than anyone I've ever loved in my entire life. And I have a lifetime of making up to do to her. I brought her more pain and heartache than any three people combined deserve. OK, I know what you may be thinking, and you are wrong. This is not about lovemaking or sex. This is about having someone in my life who understands me and accepts me for who I am. She doesn't see the crossed eyes. She doesn't see the out of shape, overweight short person. She doesn't see the scars on my face from all of the acne I've had to endure over the years. She sees ME. And she loves me for who I am. She knows my heart, and she has it. She has from the very beginning and she always will. What we were able to discover Saturday night is that I have finally grown up. I have stopped being inconsiderate if she says she can't make it. I realized that the one thing I want for her is to be happy. If that means her and I just stay friends, and she finds love with someone else, that's fine. But I'll be damned, I am never letting her out of my life again! She has my heart, my soul, and my love for as long as she wants it. Well, I should go get some sleep. It's late, and I have to get up in about 5 hours for work. I promise you, my loyal reader, that I am back, I am improved, and I will make sure to post more regularly. PS: Out of respect, I do not use names in my blogs unless the person I am referring to specifically asks me to use it. Even then, I usually won't out of respect for their privacy. However, if she reads it, and I hope she will and didn't mind my babble, I hope this makes her smile. I have been smiling all day just remembering the time we spent together on Saturday. And yes, I have guilt for not noticing the haircut on Saturday night. Her hair really did look great, but I was continually trying to focus on her beautiful eyes. TTFN!