Friday, November 22, 2013
Another week down
This is the first week my local office is in our new building. We are actually right next to where the AMP (Arkansas Music Pavillion) will be, which is great. We are on the 2nd floor and have a balcony outside so when concerts happen, we can be here and listen for free. Loving that part. We are also close to the mall and restaurants (plus new ones opening). The desks are smaller than what we had at the old office, but like anything you learn to deal with it. Everything is wide open. There are no more cubicles, walls or offices. That part takes getting used to.
Not much else going on. On a bad streak of luck this month, haven't been able to do shit right. Then got the ultimate slap in the face today. I've been helping out a category for the past few weeks, and today somebody else got acknowledgement for their work. There are a few of us that don't know what he did. I've been the one running reports, writing orders, changing dates, etc., but I don't even get a nod! Frankly that brought my whole day to shit, and this happened at 8:30 this morning! Plus, if/when bonuses are handed out, I can almost guarantee I'll get the short end of that stick (on a rating of 1 to 5, I'll be either a 1 or 2) because the supervisor I had didn't like me much. No big deal there, I didn't care for her either. But because I don't "play the game" and "take it deep" like some other worthless pieces of garbage in this office, or didn't get anyone to pay for a new chest for me, I'll get screwed. Such is life.
Friday, November 8, 2013
So it's been a few...
Not much to talk about. Been playing a little bit of poker, not much. Hopefully have a dealing job coming up in a couple of weeks. Oh wait, have to tell you about this one...
Decided to go to Cherokee on Wednesday night to play in the tournament. It's been a LONG time since I've been there for a night tournament. Saw an old poker buddy there, we were at the same table. That was nice. Anyway, they had 46 players, so paying top 5. Of course I finished 6th. No money. Driving home, close to 11pm. As I turn onto the main road to go north and head home, I feel my car pulling to the right something fierce. I started slowing down and heard the "thump thump". Flat front right tire. Great! Late at night, no lights on the road, and I can't even FIND the spare tire. Called a towing company, no help. Suggested that I call my insurance company. Called, and YES! I have towing coverage. Meanwhile, I am hearing coyotes howling! Someone better hurry the fuck up! Long story short, tow truck showed up at midnight and found my spare tire. It's UNDER the car! He asked about changing it, I told him "it's 30 degrees outside, there are coyotes, let's tow and go!" Tried getting to the spare tire yesterday after work, no luck! Gotta figure it out this weekend.
Other than that, nothing new. So, TTFN~!
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