Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What a walk...

First off, let me say this... I'm on VACATION!! I am off today through Friday, then in 4 weeks, I have off Wednesday through Friday. Then 4 weeks after that, I have off Wednesday through Friday. Can you believe it? Me actually taking vacations (yes, plural)? Anthony worked last night so when he got home this morning he went right to bed. Ann did not have to be at work until 3, so we decided to go to the trail for a walk. We walked for over 90 minutes. Bad idea! Next time, we walk 60 minutes. 30 minutes one way, then turn around! We got home, showered (it was 88 outside this morning when we walked), then I went to sleep. Haha! I am SO out of shape. Tomorrow, Anthony and I are going to Branson. On my next vacation in August, Ann and I are going to do an overnight trip to Branson. Looking forward to it, as there is so much to do out there. And she's OK with the water park (she won't go on the crazy drop slides), so we may or may not hit there when we go.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Quiet Saturday night...

Happy July 5th. I hope everyone enjoyed the Independence Day 2014 holiday. Ann and I tried to enjoy it, but she was working in the afternoon. When she got home, I barbecued some burgers and we ate dinner. Afterwards we decided to take the ride to Memorial Park to watch the Bentonville fireworks show. Unfortunately we got there late and there wasn't a place to park within a mile of the venue. So we decided to come home and watch the Centerton fireworks show. Unfortunately for me by the time we got home I was sick and running a low grade fever. So she went out to watch the fireworks. Anthony would have joined her but he had to work. Today, Ann worked all day and she was exhausted so she went to bed early. I took advantage of the day and took a nap so I'm awake later than I would normally be. Being it's such a beautiful night out, I decided to sit on my front porch. Sometimes this is not the best idea, because I start thinking. Remembering. Tonight was about one of my best friends from high school. I won't use his name, let's just call him "Starr". We had known each other since elementary school, there was a group of us. We all lived really close to one another so we'd hang out every day after school, during the summer we'd all pool hop together, play ball and the like. As we got older, others disappeared (service, college). We were the last men standing. We went to our first concert together at Westbury Music Fair. Kenny Rogers. What a blast we had. We were 17 and thought we were such big shots. Maybe we were. Two 17 year olds knowing (and feeling) every word to "Twenty Years Ago". Haha! We were there for each other. He was there for me when my grandma and dad died. Then, one day, he decided to "follow his dream" as he put it. In reality, he supposedly got a girl pregnant and wanted to run and hide. He left without a goodbye and I never heard from him since. A couple of years ago, we reconnected on Facebook, but I could feel we grew apart. There was no repairing the damage of the past. Well, to you Mr. Starr, as I sit here tonight thinking about our friendship, I say to you... FUCK YOU! You left me! We were all we had left and you ran out like a little bitch! I am happy that you found your own happiness and success. But I hate you for not even having the balls to say goodbye. Not a phone call, a postcard. Nothing! My mom died, I needed you, you weren't there. I didn't even know where to find you to tell you! Thank you for the great memories we have, and fuck you for the bad ones.