It's St Patrick's Day, and I'm not Irish, but I wish my Irish friends a happy day. As for me, it's like the title says...BLAH! I have a friggin' cold. Left work early yesterday and staying home today because (a) I had a helluva time trying to sleep (b) I am still stuffed up and can't breathe very well (c) I have a nasty cough (d) Too many pregnant women in my office that I would rather not be around to possibly get them sick. Emailed my boss this morning to let her know what needs to be done. Good thing is that it isn't much.
Hoping to play poker this weekend. There is a tournament at Downstream on Sunday that I have plans to attend, but going to make sure I'm not sick. Especially since Ann and I are going next weekend for our anniversary. Need to be healthy for that since we already booked the room.
NCAA tournament starts tomorrow. We usually have a bracket at work, but as of the time I left yesterday there was nothing announced. It may be in my email at work, but I won't know until tomorrow, which means if I play, I have to pick FAST before the first game starts. Ah well. Could just fill it in for fun, but it's not as much fun if I don't have any chance of winning.
That's about it. Time to take more medicine. TTFN!