Thursday, June 24, 2010


No, I did not lose my face, although I wouldn't mind someone else's face at times. What that means is I gave up my Facebook page. There was no point in keeping it. If ever I posted anything, I got minimal (if any at all) responses. There were only 12 people on my "friends" list, 2 of which were my wife and son. I followed a couple of coworkers but overall there was no point in keeping one for myself, so I got rid of it. I'm sure I'll be TERRIBLY missed (please note the sarcasm!).

Doing well with the new teeth. Well, the tops anyway. I am not able to put the bottoms in, and not worried about it. I am able to eat solid foods with just the top set in, so I'm good. Later today I have a doctor appointment to get my ear cleared out. It became clogged last Friday during a pool party and Murine is not doing the trick. Will be nice to have 20/20 hearing again.

Work has been CRAAAAAAAAAZY lately. Keeping real busy, trying to keep everyone sane. It's fun. Actually got awarded with a VIA last week, which is very special because it was given to me by my coworkers. Means alot, especially considering I didn't always have the best attitude with them at times. I personally blame my teeth, as I was in pain alot and afraid to smile because it was ugly. Now, I smile more and it seems to affect many more than just myself. Really cool :)

Well, that's about it. Gotta get back to work and eventually put pants on to go to the doctor. TTFN!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

New post...

It's been a crazy couple of weeks. Yes, all of my teeth are gone. I have my upper dentures in but have not tried eating anything yet. The last time I tried they popped out and needless to say I did not eat. Dammit, I'm HUNGRY! I want SOLID food. Ice Cream, pudding and the like are good, but I want chicken! Hell, even a tuna sandwich from Quiznos!

I keep typing, then deleting. I guess that means I'm done!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Today's the day...

In less than 2 hours, I will be in the dental chair mentally preparing myself to be toothless for the first time in 40 years. It's scary how excited I am over the prospect of losing all of my teeth, but I am because it will mean no more infections in my system (from the teeth anyway), or the absesses (sp?) that woke me up nights and made me look like a boxer who went 10 rounds and lost every damn one of them. Next week, hoping to be back at work with a new smile.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Waiting for my new smile...

Yes, folks, in just 2 days I get the final 8 teeth yanked out of my mouth and get my dentures. Holy shit! Who ever expected a 40-year old male to be excited to be losing all of his teeth. Well, ME! My teeth have been bad for a long ass time, and the infections I have had running through my system for years because of them has not made my situation any better. I have been on antibiotics (strong shit too!) for the past 2 1/2 weeks, and had to finally take myself off of them because I am just tired of taking 4 pills a day. After the last 8 are gone, I'll finish off the bottle. Then I get me a brand new smile. Can't wait to play poker and take them out to use as a card protector when I'm bored. That could win me a couple of hands (or get me kicked out!).

Anthony is finished with school as of this post. He took his final 2 exams today, then he and some friends walked to Sonic for lunch. He should be on his way back to school to hang out until the bus comes to get them.

Hoping to be able to take a vacation next month, but right now it does not look promising. Maybe in August?? Pleeeeeease!! Yeah, August. That's it! When it's one hundred friggin' seven degrees in the SHADE!! Perfect!!

Other than that everything fairly quiet. TTFN y'all!