No, I did not lose my face, although I wouldn't mind someone else's face at times. What that means is I gave up my Facebook page. There was no point in keeping it. If ever I posted anything, I got minimal (if any at all) responses. There were only 12 people on my "friends" list, 2 of which were my wife and son. I followed a couple of coworkers but overall there was no point in keeping one for myself, so I got rid of it. I'm sure I'll be TERRIBLY missed (please note the sarcasm!).
Doing well with the new teeth. Well, the tops anyway. I am not able to put the bottoms in, and not worried about it. I am able to eat solid foods with just the top set in, so I'm good. Later today I have a doctor appointment to get my ear cleared out. It became clogged last Friday during a pool party and Murine is not doing the trick. Will be nice to have 20/20 hearing again.
Work has been CRAAAAAAAAAZY lately. Keeping real busy, trying to keep everyone sane. It's fun. Actually got awarded with a VIA last week, which is very special because it was given to me by my coworkers. Means alot, especially considering I didn't always have the best attitude with them at times. I personally blame my teeth, as I was in pain alot and afraid to smile because it was ugly. Now, I smile more and it seems to affect many more than just myself. Really cool :)
Well, that's about it. Gotta get back to work and eventually put pants on to go to the doctor. TTFN!