Thursday, July 8, 2010

Been awhile...

What can I tell you. I've been busy working, playing Modern Warfare 2, trying to keep my mind off playing live poker because of a lack of bankroll currently. That's what happens when you have to pay $3,000 for new teeth. Then the dog needed minor surgery that was $400. Now, Anthony's bottom wisdom teeth are growing in sideways and they need to be "surgically removed". I don't even know if I still have enough dental coverage for it this year. Right now they are not bothering him, so I'm putting it off. Family vacation appears to be out this year, as Anthony is going to summer school for 2 weeks. That was more money that I forgot I had. Good thing, too, because it's gone!

Other than that, everything is fairly quiet. Had a nice 4th. Went to the ballgame, watched the Naturals win, then they had a spectacular fireworks display. Got home around 10, and fell asleep to the noise of the neighbors trying to blow the town up. Good times!

Don't miss Facebook! Wife still enjoys it. She has family and friends. I don't. Nice and easy!