Friday, July 30, 2010

Another Friday post...

Still dealing with the demons. Not as bad as they were last week, which is good, but still there. This week some of them are "all new", like the summer season on TV. Others are the same crap as usual, just louder than normal. Was confronted about it today by a co-worker, who wondered why I've been so distant and quiet lately. Told her am dealing with alot of shit and don't want anyone getting hurt. Guess they were hurt enough by me being distant, but trust me when I say it could be MUCH worse!

Anthony finished summer school 2 days early (it was only 2 weeks to begin with) and passed both classes. Woohoo, I have a sophmore in my house! Unfortunately because his GPA isn't high enough, he will not be able to compete on the Cross Country team this season. Hopefully, though, he will get the grades up so he can compete with the Track team in the spring. In the meantime, focus grasshopper!

Fucking demons running through again. Been trying to block them out, I think it's starting to affect me physically. My chest has been tight, pains in my shoulders, legs feeling a bit "woozy" sometimes while I walk (short distances at that), and I've been VERY tired the last few nights. Wife not crazy about that last part. Oh well, I need that extra 3 minutes of sleep. Will buy her a toy if she needs it that bad.

Have not spoken "personal" to anyone in 2 weeks, and I think that is how it is going to be for awhile. If I can't get rid of what's going on in my head, I may need to look for additional assistance in removing them.