Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gonna hear about it...

And you know what? I don't give a shit. Let them say what they want. After 4 years, they should know I do not do the "friendship" thing with anyone. Tonight I went out for a drink (I had water) for a co-worker who is going to another company. I left early and didn't say goodbye to more than 1 or 2 people. I never do. I prefer to just slip out unnoticed, pretty much the way I walk in.

I am also SO fucking tired of people telling me I'm scared to do something, or I gave it to someone else because I didn't want to compete with them. Little do they understand my frame of thinking. Currently, I am the CSA for frozen and ice cream. It's fucking JULY and it's been over 100 degrees most of the month. We are busy. Add to that, I am on a project called Cordillera. Not only am I considered a "super user" but I am also a trainer. This means I have to sit through daily bullshit classes so I can teach other CSA's how to use the new system. Basically I'm already putting in constant 10 hour days...

A position opened up on another team in the company which I would have kicked ass at. And at first, when I heard about it, I knew I wanted the position. Hell, I would STILL love the position. But, let's think about this logically for a moment shall we? You all think you know me so fucking well, you don't know SHIT! As stated above, I'm already putting in 10 hour days. Add to that if I have to train to learn the NEW job, PLUS I'd have to teach someone my CURRENT role! NOBODY that is new in my office is that fucking smart they would catch on that quick. So, basically I'd be looking at 12 or more hours per day. You think I want that? Hell, there are bosses in my company that rarely work more than 8 hours a day, and if they DO work more than that, they feel the company owes them. I'm not like that. I prefer to make sure the job is done, and done right, that night. I'm not putting it off. But I'll be fucked if you think I'mk giving up my entire fucking life for any job.

So, to the ones that say "oh you're too comfortable in your job" or "oh, you're too scared of change" I say "FUCK YOU!" and get a fucking clue. Figure your own self out before you try analyzing my little white hairy Italian ass!