Yeah, that's the title! Not feeling very creative right now. Actually feeling a little bit drained, a little off. I didn't eat breakfast, which was probably a bad idea. Then had cereal for lunch.
Playing in the BTTP (Blast To The Past) Main Event tomorrow at Cherokee. Got in for free so can't complain. I know I won't embarrass (sp? who cares!) myself, and have honest aspirations of making the money, or at the very worst the final table (which should be the same thing).
Next week at work should be fairly quiet. No promotional orders shipping, but one to write, which is easy. Hopefully no days past 5:30pm (even hoping for a day or two where I can leave at 4). Friday they are calling for a "sustainability" day, basically meaning work from home. Saves on CO2 emissions and the like. Unfortunately for me, I am not comfy working from home for long periods of time, so I will probably end up in the office. Will try to find out if staying home is mandatory, and go from there.