Sunday, January 22, 2012

1926 - 2012

R I P Joe Paterno

Monday, January 2, 2012


And somewhat fed up! I am so fucking tired of people thinking they know what goes through my mind. They think they should stay away instead of confronting me, which is what they should do. They look at me like I am crazy when I don't do something, when they have no fucking idea WHY I am not doing it. Instead of asking, they figure they already know and just shrug it off as an attitude issue on my part.

You know what? I'm done smiling, I'm done laughing. I'm just fucking done!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Didn't end well...

Been on vacation all week and was able to take lots of naps. Felt good, especially considering I haven't been sleeping good at night. Got a nap in yesterday too. Then, when I woke up decided to check my work email to make sure nothing was blowing up. Got a sharp pain in my left ribs. Knew it was gas, but damn if it didn't want to go away. The wife was cooking at the time and saw me double over as I screamed in pain. Now, MOST people who give any kind of shit about you would stop what they were doing and come over to you to see if there is anything they could do. Not my wife! She continued to do what she was doing and asked me if I was OK. I'm fucking screaming in pain, do I SOUND OK?!? I married a fucking idiot!

Luckily for me, I finally was able to move enough after 2 hours in pain to take 2 Gas-X pills, and 2 hours after THAT the pain went away. Sorry to say I was not dying!