Thursday, September 27, 2012

Yet another...

Last Friday night, Ann and I went to see Jeff Dunham in concert at Downstream Casino. After the recent weeks we had, we SO needed it, and it was SO VERY worth it. Greatest show I've been to EVER! Towards the end, I was laughing so hard I almost threw up. The past weekend was OK. Not much going on. This week has been crazy at work, and I mean CRAZY! But, I think I handled it well. Was able to take care of a promotion with a fill rate of 99.993% (yes, I'm carrying the decimals out that far). PLUS we are training a new hire. I was able to finally sit with him this afternoon, and hopefully will get some more time with him tomorrow. All this is trying to prove to the company I work for that I am more than qualified for a promotion. All I have to do now is prepare for the interview that will hopefully eventually present itself!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Another post...

It's been a few days, and for that I am sorry. It's been a strange few days since my last post. Saturday morning, my wife was checking Facebook, and saw a post from someone she used to work with and is still friends with saying "Mom died". She felt bad, and said she would call this person later to offer her condolences. About a minute or so later, she let out a blood curdling scream. Turns out it was her friend's daughter posting ABOUT the friend. She died last Friday night in a car accident. Needless to say, the weekend and the week so far has been "strange". Tomorrow is the funeral service. Ann and I both are going. Work is work.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday hump

I haven't posted in a couple of weeks. Sorry about that. Been a weird couple of weeks. But, I have a plan in place to make my life better (I hope). Seems I'm not the only one who has been thinking about this (not necessarily ME in particular, but the idea is out there). Nothing much else going on. I had a blood test this morning, going back Friday for the results. Cholesterol was 240 a couple of months ago. Hopefully it has gone down. Been playing poker regularly at the Elks Lodge. Great game, fun people. Still considering joining the lodge. Not real positive yet, but we'll see. Jerry "The King" Lawler, a long time wrestler/announcer, had a major heart attack Monday night during a live airing of WWE Monday Night Raw. Last word is there is no apparent brain damage, which is great! However, he has a long road to recovery I'm sure. My thoughts and prayers are with him during this time. He is one of my favorites, and I would love to see him be able to make it back.