Thursday, September 27, 2012
Yet another...
Last Friday night, Ann and I went to see Jeff Dunham in concert at Downstream Casino. After the recent weeks we had, we SO needed it, and it was SO VERY worth it. Greatest show I've been to EVER! Towards the end, I was laughing so hard I almost threw up.
The past weekend was OK. Not much going on.
This week has been crazy at work, and I mean CRAZY! But, I think I handled it well. Was able to take care of a promotion with a fill rate of 99.993% (yes, I'm carrying the decimals out that far). PLUS we are training a new hire. I was able to finally sit with him this afternoon, and hopefully will get some more time with him tomorrow.
All this is trying to prove to the company I work for that I am more than qualified for a promotion. All I have to do now is prepare for the interview that will hopefully eventually present itself!