Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday trend...

Once again, it's a Thursday. There is no intent for me to update mostly on Thursday's, it's just the way things happen sometimes. Right now it is fairly quiet in my world so I figured I'd update everyone on what's not been going on my life. Finally got to play poker this past weekend after a long hiatus (it felt like forever!). Didn't cash but had a blast. A guy I work with plays and we got to play together both days. Makes it more fun for both of us. Anthony went to homecoming last weekend and had a blast. Danced all night with just one young lady. Unusual for him, considering he normally is involved in a dance circle. He seems to really like this girl. I know her name but that's about it. Not pushing him. Teasing him always seems to push him in the wrong direction. Besides, he's almost 19 now, and that's about the age I started learning what and what not to say and do. If he needs advice, he knows he can ask me. Thinking about work, it amazes me how some people have the heaviest feet! Holy shit, it sounds like an earthquake, and it's all because of people who don't even weigh 100 lbs soaking wet! Incredible! That wasn't my original thought about work, but someone went stomping by just as I started typing, and I didn't feel like backspacing. Other than that, work is crazy. Stupid lying manipulative people get the promotions because they already interviewed 7 times in the past 2 months for just about ANY position that's open, so they "know how to interview", yet others that have the drive, the knowledge and the proper desire to see the company succeed don't get promoted without having to jump through BS hoops answering questions that have no bearing on the position being applied for. One of my co-workers had a meeting at Walmart's home office recently, and the reminder I wanted to give was "please remember they are NOT a bakery, so hide your rolls!"