Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Another hump day...
All dressed up and nowhere...wait, that's not right!
Life is like a box of...oh hell, that's not it either!
Why oh why was I blessed with such talent and good looks?!? THAT'S IT!!
I am at work and luckily for me it is fairly quiet. I lost a category so now it's just me and the ice cream. Being out of season, I do not currently have much on my plate. I have, however, been working on the training manual. Hopefully will have this completed by the early part of 2013 and rolled out to everyone on the team. Then we can use it for new hires. I also have many OPL's (One Point Lessons) which are very handy tools to have. Eventually have to go through those as well to update where necessary.
Next week begins the last month of the year. I am actually (kinda) excited about it. I have 3 full weeks of work, then 1 full week off, then 1 day of work, then 1 day off, then 3 days of work. The difference this time is that, unlike Thanksgiving, I will NOT be working on my time off. It's MY time! If anything gets screwed up, let someone else fix it. My ass will be on the couch playing X-Box with my son, playing poker (if I can find a way to afford it) and watching many movies on Netflix. Now THAT'S what I call a vacation. One definite plan is to watch "The Stand", a 6-hour movie based off of Stephen King's novel of the same name. Hell, I may do that this weekend!
Other than that, I am just way fed up about almost everything. It's normal for me this time of year. Did you know Danielle Nicole would have turned 16 this year? I knew. I never forget. Sucks to be me huh?
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving!!
After the week from hell at work, it feels great to sit back today and relax. Got to play XBox, watch football (first game which I thought was "eh" turned out to be great, while the Redskins/Cowboys game not living up to the hype I thought it would). Had a great dinner with my wife and son! Debating on going to Walmart tonight for a gift that is going to be at a great price. The sale starts at 10pm, which kinda bothers me because I do feel for the workers. But that's the price you pay working retail. Hell, I work for a vendor and am supposed to have tomorrow off, but I'll have work to do. Sometimes you gotta do what's best for the company, because if you don't you could end up with no job at all to bitch about.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Let the shopping begin...
Well, I've decided to give up poker for the most part for the rest of the holiday season. Need to be sure we save enough money so we can buy Christmas gifts that everyone wants. Actually kinda proud of myself. Normally I would always find a way to convince myself that either I would win or not spend that much and we would still have enough. Then I'd starve myself without lunch each day until someone got paid next.
Today I started Christmas shopping. There are some things I know will not be on sale any cheaper on Black Friday or even Christmas Eve, so I'm starting now, so I know I'm ahead of the game AND can still eat lunch .
The company I work for sponsors the Single Parent Scholarship Fund, and we are given a list of items that the parent or their child(ren) want for Christmas. Today I started and bought my first one this year. I had a helluva time finding it, then Ann and I went to Target and she found it. Woohoo!
Short week at work, as we are closed Thursday and Friday. Still have to work, but from home. Ah well. Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Another week down...
Finally feeling better after being sick for a week and a half. Sinuses still draining but it's very tolerable. Unfortunately had to back out of 2 poker tournaments because of my illness. The second one was a fundraiser.
Had off this past Thursday and decided to go to play poker at Cherokee Casino. Not my best day. Will not be playing much the rest of the year. Save money for Christmas. Then I'm off the week after so I may go play one then. Don't even really miss it much, believe it or not.
Quiet weekend here. Played some XBox, watched football (college and pro). Ravioli and garlic bread for dinner tonight which was GREAT! Tomorrow starts a new week at work. New hire being trained, should be a better week. Want to sit with a CFR at work and start learning. Prepare for a new position if/when one opens up.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Frigged up Friday
Sorry for not posting in awhile. Been kinda busy the past couple of weeks. Last Thursday went to play poker at the Elks Club, which I haven't done in awhile. Didn't stay that long, caught a set of 8's and someone took me out with a set of J's on the river. Played Saturday morning at Cherokee and took 3rd. Was supposed to play at a home game tomorrow but not going. Thank you bronchitis. Actually working from home today due to the constant sneezing and coughing. Went to the doctor yesterday and got prescriptions. Can't wait for them to actually start working!
Other than that there is absolutely nothing going on.
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