Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Another hump day...

All dressed up and nowhere...wait, that's not right! Life is like a box of...oh hell, that's not it either! Why oh why was I blessed with such talent and good looks?!? THAT'S IT!! I am at work and luckily for me it is fairly quiet. I lost a category so now it's just me and the ice cream. Being out of season, I do not currently have much on my plate. I have, however, been working on the training manual. Hopefully will have this completed by the early part of 2013 and rolled out to everyone on the team. Then we can use it for new hires. I also have many OPL's (One Point Lessons) which are very handy tools to have. Eventually have to go through those as well to update where necessary. Next week begins the last month of the year. I am actually (kinda) excited about it. I have 3 full weeks of work, then 1 full week off, then 1 day of work, then 1 day off, then 3 days of work. The difference this time is that, unlike Thanksgiving, I will NOT be working on my time off. It's MY time! If anything gets screwed up, let someone else fix it. My ass will be on the couch playing X-Box with my son, playing poker (if I can find a way to afford it) and watching many movies on Netflix. Now THAT'S what I call a vacation. One definite plan is to watch "The Stand", a 6-hour movie based off of Stephen King's novel of the same name. Hell, I may do that this weekend! Other than that, I am just way fed up about almost everything. It's normal for me this time of year. Did you know Danielle Nicole would have turned 16 this year? I knew. I never forget. Sucks to be me huh?