Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12-12-12 and beyond...

They say today is a "magical" day. If I heard the news reports correctly, about 7,500 couples will be married today. Why? If you are basing your marriage off of a date instead of the real reasons you should get married, you're fucked up! The next one is the end of the Mayan calendar, which is on 12-21-2012. People say the world will end on that date. My world has ended EVERY YEAR on 12-21. This is the day my daughter was born, 16 years ago! And on 12-23 of every year I relive the pain I felt when she died. I couldn't get there fast enough to save her. So you know what? Let the fucking world end on 12-21-2012. It's not like I have much left in me to live for anyway.