Monday, December 31, 2012

End of 2012

We have finally reached the end of 2012. They say that everyone has an opportunity to "reset" themselves and start fresh in 2013. I don't see that as much of an option. No matter how much I change or how much "nicer" I try to be, I still don't like most people, I do not call anyone a friend. So, 2013 will be pretty much the same as 2012.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Way too much...

There is just WAY too fucking much craziness in the world. Last Friday, Dec 14th, at an elementary school in Newtown CT, 26 people were needlessly killed by a gunman. Six of those killed worked as teachers or the principal. The other 20 were kindergarten students. Since then, there have been at least 2 arrests made by others who thought of or planned to do the same thing where they live. It's just fucking sick! My heart goes out to those who lost their loved ones that day. It is a tragedy that should never have happened.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12-12-12 and beyond...

They say today is a "magical" day. If I heard the news reports correctly, about 7,500 couples will be married today. Why? If you are basing your marriage off of a date instead of the real reasons you should get married, you're fucked up! The next one is the end of the Mayan calendar, which is on 12-21-2012. People say the world will end on that date. My world has ended EVERY YEAR on 12-21. This is the day my daughter was born, 16 years ago! And on 12-23 of every year I relive the pain I felt when she died. I couldn't get there fast enough to save her. So you know what? Let the fucking world end on 12-21-2012. It's not like I have much left in me to live for anyway.