Monday, June 17, 2013
Long Island
It's Monday night, and I'm in my hotel room. Coffee from 7-11 in hand, watching WWE Raw. Tomorrow going away with a very special person in my life. Can't wait!
OK, let's back up a bit. I'm sure that last statement confused some. After 20 years of marriage, I have advised my wife I will be filing for divorce when I return from my vacation. I am tired of all of the bullshit, the lack of emotion. I love the woman, she is the mother of my child, but I am not in love with her, and have not been for a long time. Please note, this decision was made a long time ago. The only reason I stuck around so long was because of my son. Now that he is 19 and basically scared of me because I yell at him when he acts like an asshole or doesn't want to learn, it's time for me to make myself happy. And I cannot be happy continuing to live the way I have been living for the past 20 years. Enough is enough.
Meeting an old friend and falling in love with her all over again was something that was not planned. It was an innocent contact to try to get a friend back. No matter what we've been through, whether together or apart, we've always been able to be there for one another in one form or another. We are easy and fast friends, and can talk about anything, past or present. Even the future. And in a few months, hopefully we will be able to start new lives together, and finally be happy (which is something we both rightfully deserve).
Friday, June 14, 2013
A little over 18 hours...
And I leave for my first real vacation in what feels like forever. I am not bringing my work laptop with me. I am not checking late trucks. I am not worried about promotions. I am going to Long Island to enjoy time home. Will be there 8 nights, which seems like a long time, but isn't if plans work out. Seems to have fallen apart at this point, but I am still hoping for something to work right. The only set plan I have is fishing Sunday (Father's Day) morning. Reservation on the boat already set. There is also night fishing, which I've done once and was not the most enjoyable night of my life. If I go again, I make sure we are not going out on the ocean.
Next post from Long Island (some time over the next 9 days)
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
But not soon enough. I don't leave for Long Island for another 3 1/2 days (flight out Saturday early afternoon). Then, for the next 8 days, I will know true love and happiness. I can't wait. I am having a very hard time containing my excitement. I want to stand on the rooftop and shout but I can't. Mostly because I'm afraid of heights! That's one reason I'm short.
So far my week at work has gone fast, which I didn't expect. I figured it to drag and for all kinds of shit to "blow up" on me. But so far so good. Tomorrow a co-worker comes back from a mini vacation and I will be training him all afternoon to cover my business. In the morning, I have to work with another co-worker on how to write a promotion he's never seen before. Plus I have to make sure my work gets done somewhere in there. Not too worried though. I know I can get it done.
My focus has recently been and now always will be on the future. It's time for me to be happy!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Dear Dad...
I didn't realize it until today, but yesterday marked 25 years since you've been gone. I think about you often, and wonder what my life would have been like if you weren't taken away from me so early on in my life (and were too young to go). I wish you were around today. You would be so proud of me. I am finally making things right. I found the perfect woman 28 years ago (you unfortunately never had the chance to meet her) and after this length of time, I am finally grown up and able to love her the way she deserves. Hopefully you are looking down and smiling...
I miss you Dad!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Been a few days...
What an up and down week this was. All week at work has been busy, which is not a totally bad thing. I put in the hours because I love my job, and I know they appreciate what I do. Unfortunately I don't I am trying to get ahead of it all because I am on vacation in 2 weeks. TWO WEEKS!! YES!! Then I'm on a plane and will be on Long Island for 8 glorious nights!
Why 8 nights? OK, I'll fill you in on some of my plans. First, let me say I did not realize that the first Sunday I'm there is Father's Day. Oops! Oh well, such is life. I'll finally get a gift I can appreciate. I am going fishing Sunday morning! There are boats that leave at 5, 6 and 7am. Each go fluke fishing, which is kinda boring. You drop your line in the water and wait. But, being out on the water with the sunshine and the fresh air, oh there is little like it. It's very relaxing, and that's something I haven't done in way too many years. Sunday night? Well, that depends. I could go night fishing (stripers, weakfish) if no plans are forthcoming. I will hopefully know by Sunday afternoon. I'm hoping NOT go to fishing Sunday night, because I know I will have a much better time if other plans come through, but will see what happens.
During the week, I plan to hit Carvel (an ice cream shop), an Italian bakery (need me some good cannoli pastry), and, believe it or not, go to a cemetery. This is not something I have discussed with anyone, but I must go and pay my respects to someone I loved who passed away and I was unable to attend the funeral. All other plans are a secret! Shhhh!
All I know is in 13 days from now, I will be home. Going to be hell to get me to leave once I'm there.
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