Tuesday, June 11, 2013
But not soon enough. I don't leave for Long Island for another 3 1/2 days (flight out Saturday early afternoon). Then, for the next 8 days, I will know true love and happiness. I can't wait. I am having a very hard time containing my excitement. I want to stand on the rooftop and shout but I can't. Mostly because I'm afraid of heights! That's one reason I'm short.
So far my week at work has gone fast, which I didn't expect. I figured it to drag and for all kinds of shit to "blow up" on me. But so far so good. Tomorrow a co-worker comes back from a mini vacation and I will be training him all afternoon to cover my business. In the morning, I have to work with another co-worker on how to write a promotion he's never seen before. Plus I have to make sure my work gets done somewhere in there. Not too worried though. I know I can get it done.
My focus has recently been and now always will be on the future. It's time for me to be happy!