Thursday, July 18, 2013
It's been the week from hell at work. Earlier this week it was discovered that I had "bad numbers" in a specific spreadsheet I've been working with ALL YEAR, which has caused orders to be incorrect. It's been 2 days of hell trying to work with our customer to figure out the best way to handle the inventory. I am no longer involved in this, but I was the one that started it. Shame on many for not catching this MUCH sooner, but mostly shame on me, because it was my error that caused it. I am not even sure where the error came from. All I know is I'm the one who was responsible for making sure the spreadsheet formulas were correct and I did not do that. Needless to say I feel like shit! This is not reflecting well on the new big boss that just came into our office a couple of weeks ago, nor with the team lead who is leaving and has to let the new team lead coming in what I did. So much for looking good to get moved! Hopefully I can get some good recommendations from a couple of co-workers I trust so I can get a job with another company when it's time for me to go.
Today I found out that I have five (5) promotions which will all ship at the end of the month. Good luck with that! I have the easy part. Put the orders together, count the number of trucks, report the number of trucks to transportation, then write the orders. The hard part is going to be figuring out if we can ship all of the orders I'm going to write.