Tuesday, October 1, 2013
How long since last post??
Honestly not real sure. Didn't go back and look. Not much happened in the past couple of weeks. The Buffalo Bills are 2-2, which is a little better than I thought they would be. There is hope, as they have been in all 4 games and not gotten blown out. Hockey starts this week, excited for that. Did not order the TV package though. Need to save money. The more I try to save, the less I end up with. Haven't figured that out yet.
Dealt a poker tournament Sunday, which was great. Would have been even better if I wasn't sick. It started Saturday, I thought it might have been allergies because of the turn in the weather. Sunday was a little worse, yesterday was horrible, and today even worse. Have a doctor appointment at 4pm. The scary part of this, and I won't tell anyone except maybe the doctor, is when I cough I think I may be tasting a little iron. Not sure so will let him make the diagnosis. Because of this sickness I am working from home. Don't want to bring this to work. Such a nice guy I am, huh? hahahah!
The new TV season is great so far. HIMYM is in the final season (I think), and it seems to be going along nicely. The dramas are back (Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, Revenge, Once Upon A Time). Those look good so far. And some new ones! S.H.I.E.L.D. is phenomenal so far, and so is Hostages. Still have to watch Deception, not sure if I'm going to like that one, but I'll give it a shot. New comedies too, which have gone 50/50. Will see about those.
Thank you for following. Hopefully this is not my last post! TTFN~!