Saturday, December 28, 2013

Almost the end of the year...

Well, 2013 comes to an end soon. Thankfully! It's been a helluva year. Anthony dropping out of school, ending up in the hospital for a few days. He also dropped out of school, and is in the process of going for his GED. Hopefully he will get that done by the end of January/early February, and can start getting his life on track (and a job). My first vacation in 10 years, end result not what I expected, but glad (kinda!). Then Anthony deciding to move out on my birthday, leaving me a note to find when I got home from work (he came back the next day). Vacation the week BEFORE Christmas because of someone's screw up on the vacation calendar. Working the week of Christmas, and kicking ass! And now 2014 is not far away. It's got to be a better year! Most plans haven't changed, it's just a matter of biding time. I haven't played poker live in over a month. Found it on Xbox so happy about that, but it's not as enjoyable as playing with people in front of you and real cards and chips. Saved a lot of money though. Planning to play in a charity event next month (I usually deal, but this time I'm playing). I already warned my coworkers that this time I plan to take them out and keep their chips, rather than just dealing them out. Haha! Christmas was quiet, but good. It wasn't a white Christmas, as some would have hoped, but that's ok. A winter blast earlier in the month gave us more than enough, thank you very much. Well, that's it for now. I probably won't be back until 2014. Happy New Year! TTFN~!

Monday, December 16, 2013


Yes, it's the week before Christmas and I am on vacation. Yes, I was online for work this morning. It's normal for me if I'm not going anywhere. I like to clean up reports, get some things that I get daily. I was told by 2 co-workers to get offline! I was only on for about an hour, then I shut it down, packed it up, and haven't looked at it since. Tomorrow I will do the same thing, except I have to get on 2 conference calls. Both are ones I must be on. Business continues and because it's the holiday season if I don't get on the calls, I won't be able to take care of business next week when I get back. Anthony is home today, so later we are going to play Battleship. I've beaten him 2 matches in a row, and he still wants to keep trying. God love him for that. TTFN~!

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Yeah, it's winter (at least it feels like it!). Why would I be posting a blog about baseball now?? Well, an interesting news story has been brought up recently concerning collisions at home plate. They want to ban it (basically because baseball is a "non-contact" sport). Ok, here's my thinking on this. The catcher is the only player on the field wearing protection basically head to toe. They are paid millions of dollars to play a game! And they know the risk of playing catcher. The same way a pitcher knows if he has to cover home plate because of a wild pitch and a runner at 3rd. The runner's "job" is to score! It's a ridiculous rule. Here's the way I see it. You signed a contract, you accepted the risk. The same risk that has been part of the game for over 100 years. More than likely you were a scholarship college player (if you weren't and didn't go to college, well shame on you!) and hopefully you learned something other than how to catch and hit a ball. If, God forbid, you get injured, and you are smart enough to have a backup plan AND to have saved a little bit of your millions of dollars contract, get a regular job like the rest of us who do NOT make millions of dollars (hell, we barely make thousands)! Nuff said!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Snow but not winter...

Thursday we got a foot of snow! It's Arkansas! That's not right!! Roads have been ice ever since, and now they are saying we could see up to another inch tonight. This is nuts!! Other than that, not much going on. Many changes going on in my office, none involve me directly. I'm staying right where I am. Good or bad, hard to say. I really should do something to improve my standing, but I am happy where I am, and eventually it will get me into some type of leadership role. Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking management. Hoping it will lead to some type of "senior" role. But, when I look at a couple of co-workers, they have the "it" factor that I don't. I guess I'm just too old for this shit!