Monday, December 16, 2013
Yes, it's the week before Christmas and I am on vacation. Yes, I was online for work this morning. It's normal for me if I'm not going anywhere. I like to clean up reports, get some things that I get daily. I was told by 2 co-workers to get offline! I was only on for about an hour, then I shut it down, packed it up, and haven't looked at it since. Tomorrow I will do the same thing, except I have to get on 2 conference calls. Both are ones I must be on. Business continues and because it's the holiday season if I don't get on the calls, I won't be able to take care of business next week when I get back.
Anthony is home today, so later we are going to play Battleship. I've beaten him 2 matches in a row, and he still wants to keep trying. God love him for that.