Saturday, March 29, 2014
End of the first quarter
Fair warning. The "A" key on my keyboard is not working as well as I would like, so if you think there is a letter missing in a word, add that letter to it, you may figure out what that word is.
So we are through 3 months of 2014, and I will say for certain that this year is better than last. Work is actually going really well. I have earned high praise from my company twice and I am honored. I do what I'm supposed to do, and I do it well. We got through the new mod orders without any issues. I have been on 2 projects so far, and this weekend I am working EOP. I hit a bit of a "lull" the past couple of days because of spring break. I didn't get the orders for my latest promotion, but hopefully I will get them on Monday. Tuesday is my "drop dead date" because it will not give me a lot of time to communicate stock needs and truck availability. I need to plan and push better to avoid these types of issues.
Celebrated my 21st wedding anniversary this past week.
Took a nap late this afternoon so tonight I won't get to sleep that early.
Anthony appears to have gotten a job at Wally World. They are doing the background check, which takes a few days. Hopefully will get the call early next week about orientation. He will be working overnights, which will be tough to start. Thank goodness for 5-hour energy drinks. He's going to need them to start so he can get used to being awake. It is going to cause some issues because his car is down at the moment, but when he starts, and gets a paycheck or two in his pocket, we can get that taken care of. In the meantime, he will use his mother's car, and I will drive her to work and pick her up where possible. However, her hours just got cut so it may work out in the short term.
WWE WrestleMania 30 is in 8 days. It usually doesn't disappoint. Hopefully this year is no exception.