Tuesday, August 19, 2014
My son...
To say I am proud of him would be an understatement. I may have mentioned in a past post about the issues he had last year, where he wound up dropping out of high school, then went for his G.E.D. but did not pass all of the courses. About 4 months ago, he started working at Walmart as an overnight cashier. At first, he didn't like it much. He was doing returns, working with the product on the shelves, and frankly he was mad. He said "I didn't sign up to do all that, I signed up to be a cashier!" He was sincerely thinking of quitting. After speaking with him, and determining that he can listen to music on his phone (as long as he only has 1 ear plugged in) and make it fun, he was fine with it and actually really enjoys his job. He gets 2 nights off, which he uses to catch up on sleep HAHA! Plus, now he has a girlfriend who works. They enjoy going out, and even go "dutch" as she knows as well as he does that neither make the best money so they work it out. It's great.
Well, about 1 1/2 weeks ago, my wife gets home from work, and Anthony tells her "Mom, I am going back to school. I want to finish what I started, and don't want to be the only one in my group of friends who didn't graduate." Wow! He called the high school, asked them what he needed to do, and got the call back last night. Today, he went in, filled out his paperwork, and starts tomorrow. He only has 1 semester, as he cannot attend high school once he turns 21. But what he has to get done he can do in the 4 months, and he's dead set on doing it. Plus he spoke with work and they are changing his hours so he can do both and not worry.
I have been walking on air knowing he has his head and heart aimed in the right direction and is going to do what it takes to complete his education. I am very VERY proud of him!