Sunday, November 2, 2014
Miss me much??
That's OK, I didn't either. There has been nothing going on. Work is busy, keeps me out of trouble. Been playing poker more often than I had in awhile. Not sure if it is a good or bad thing. Played twice on Friday, in the morning was horrible (but I had fun) and the evening was better. Played again this morning, did NOT have a good time. Maybe I need to find a new place to play? I refuse to play at the Elk's Lodge anymore, and I don't think I'd be welcome back anyway. Have seen a few people from there, they act like they don't know me or I have a contagious disease or something. That's fine. As I've stated in prior posts, I do not have friends. I have acquaintances. Hell, sometimes it feels the same way in my own house, but that's another story for another day.