Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Let's find out shall we...

Welcome once again to the place that stings you when you least expect it. I'm sitting here, somewhat in the dark. NO, I did NOT forget to pay the electric bill. I'm "going green" and keeping the light off. I am basking in the glow of the laptop screen. And the television. And what's left of the sunlight trying to peek in the front of my house. And the burning end of the cigarette in my mouth. And who the fuck cares??? I'm just babbling. Hey, it's MY blog, I'm allowed!!

Been to more baseball games this month than I've been in a LONG time. Went to 3 so far, and there's another one tomorrow with work. I'm not looking very forward to going. I get to sit with people, some of which I can barely tolerate AT work, for some "team building". Well, I feel horrible for my customers, because you know what? You want the team to grow together? That means I don't do work. Talked to a few of my co-workers and none of them plan to bring their laptops either. I hope nothing "blows up" because it is a 30-minute drive home, not counting how long it would take to get out of the parking lot.

Found out last night that my son will also be at the ballgame tomorrow. He's going with his school. My wife, who has the day off tomorrow, started asking where HER ticket was. Hell, she asked me three times if I bought one for her before I had my coffee when I got home, and you KNOW how much coffee I drink! So, I will be in a "luxury box" which here they call a "suite" with free food and drink. Planning on at least 2 trips down to the food vendor for ice cream. My wife will be sitting alone somewhere behind home plate. She wanted a good seat. I have NO idea where my son will be sitting. He will be with his schoolmates. A couple of his friends are also going, so he's very happy.

He also only has about 2 more weeks of school. I was hoping he would get a summer job at McDonalds, as he is 15-years old and legal to work. There is a McD right on the corner so he could walk to it. But, with the economy the way it is, and so many adults trying to get ANYTHING to help support their families, and the fact that my wife and I are both working and are in decent position, I decided to hold the idea back so someone who really needs a job the opportunity to fill the position. Instead, my son is going to earn money at home. My backyard is still yuck. He will be spending alot of time outdoors.

Well, that's about it for now. Need more coffee, and to find SOMETHING to watch!