Sunday, May 3, 2009

No sun on Sunday...

What a lousy weather weekend. It's been raining, colder than it should for Arkansas in May, and just overall yuck! Went to the baseball game last night too. Decided to dress almost like it was winter, and was that a good idea. But it was still cold. So I went into the shop and bought a blanket. What a good deal! $30 and this thing covered all 3 of us, and we may have been able to invite a 4th person. That blanket is now on Anthony's bed and fits perfect. It's a simple design, it's Arkansas Red (meaning: Maroon) with the Naturals logo on it. We also got our bobbleheads, so I'm happy about that. I would try to spell the players last name but I can't. His first name is Kila and he is Hawaiian. What a player! Saw him play last year and he got called forward. Such a deserving player. Can't wait to see him play regularly in the majors.

Today it's been a quiet day. Laundry getting done, I had to lay down due to a migraine, which thankfully is better now. We played a Sorry! marathon, which I won again. They can't beat me. I have been playing that game for over 30 years. But we have a great time and alot of laughs. Much better than sitting around in front of the TV doing nothing, although sometimes we will watch a movie or two instead. Just nothing that good on TV today so it was a welcome change.

Back to work tomorrow. Another week from hell coming up. Two more promotions to write, plus two meetings tomorrow. Yuck! I can guaran-damn-tee I will not get everything done without staying until 6pm or MUCH later. But, if I gotta, then I will. I don't mind as long as I have work to do. Oh, I also have to write ship-withs, so just add that to the mix of things to do. What a day it's going to be. I may have to go into work for 6:30 rather than 7:15am like I normally do. And I STILL will probably run out of time or energy or both. Ah well, this is why they pay me the big bucks right?? LOL, yeah, that's why I drive an 11 1/2 year old car. BUT, it's almost paid for. 2 more weekly payments and it's MINE!!

WOOHOO! Dinner's ready. Enjoy the rest of your night.