Tuesday, April 28, 2009
What a week...
Yesterday was the start of my VERY busy season at work. I have an ice cream promo to accept, and stayed until well after 6pm last night to get half of it done. Today I knew would be a "slower" day, so my plan was to start on it by noon and have it done by 3pm, so then I can check all the orders, move things where I need to move them, and make preparations to have them shipped. Well, when I got to work, I went to say hi to my boss. That took 1/2 hour. My bad! Sometimes, he and I get to talking and I don't know how to shut up and walk away. Oh well, that's OK. I still have my day planned and know I have plenty of time to get it all done. As I started my day, my ice cream boss came to me about some issues. About 1/2 hour later, we figured that out. OK, now an hour is shot, my coffee cup is empty and I need a cigarette. Fill the cup, go for a smoke, realize it's almost 9:00, time for my conference call. Get on the call, there's another 45 minutes. Worked through part of it, but not all of it. OK, this is NOT going well. Now I'm about 2 hours behind. And here come my daily orders. Have to work on those, finish my reports, and hopefully can start on the promo orders by 1:30pm. Start work, get 3 return requests. OK, stop work, take care of those. OK, back to work. Send out a couple of reports. Where did this day go? It's 11:45 already! Damn, I'm way behind. 11:50am, cell rings. Ann calling, Anthony fell in gym, hurt his wrist "bad" and the nurse at school "suggests" getting an x-ray. Definition: Nurse thinks it may be a broken wrist, get here NOW! So, I go running (and I do mean RUNNING) through my office, letting the powers that be know what's going on, pack up the laptop, fly to the school, get to the child. He JUST got his color back when I got there, nurse said he was very pale. I could see he was in ALOT of pain. I looked at the wrist and agreed with the nurse...yep it looks broken. Shit! Get into the car, get to the hospital, it's 12:53pm. Triage takes him about 1:12pm, do the blood pressure, pulse, weight thing, get basic information. OK that's done. About 1:40pm, go for x-rays. OK, I'll wait out here. Call Ann to let her know what's going on. He's back, it's about 2pm. Now I hear that another family who is there, with THEIR son's arm in a sling (Anthony's was too at this point) have been there THREE hours! Oh crap! Now we wait. Tell Ann to please come to the ER after her day is done at work so I can get to work for a short time. She gets there at 4pm, I go into the office. At 4:40pm he finally goes into a room in the ER. I get there about 5:20pm, send Ann home. At about 6:10 doctor looks at the x-ray and says no break, just a BAD sprain. Anthony gets a soft velcro cast, I get to pay $100, and off we go. What a friggin' day! And I got almost NOTHING done at work that I planned to get done. Thank you to my bosses for being understanding, and knowing that I will be in the office tomorrow (provided Anthony is OK enough to go to school) and will be staying all day and late to make sure ALL of my work is caught up.