Today, unfortunately, has come to mean nothing to me. For me, it's a rainy Sunday. My wife is at work until 5pm, it's raining outside, so my son and I are sitting watching whatever we can find on the TV. Holidays such as this are no longer celebrated in our house. I've lost all religion a long time ago, and through the years, my wife, who remains Catholic, but non-practicing. Friends on Facebook have wished all a Happy Easter (or Passover if you are Jewish), and I just ignore those. I don't respond. I've never been a phony, and I'm not going to start now.
Ann will be home for dinner, we will make our normal Sunday meal, and sit and enjoy the evening in each other's company. Then tomorrow it's back to work. Hopefully I will get the strength to go in tomorrow. I did what I wasn't supposed to do yesterday, and that was clean the backyard.It's what put my back out last week. But now it's done, for the most part. There are some straggling branches out there to cut, but the next big job will be mowing it and bagging it up. Normally I mulch the lawn, but it's just way too much. There are also a lot of weed things that I would like to pull up before mowing. I am also thinking of bringing in a lawn service to have them fertilize the lawn, but it depends on the cost.
Want some good news? OK :) In a few days, I am closing out 2 credit cards. The Lowe's bill, which was never high to begin with, was closed because my credit is bad. Made no sense to me. Yes, my credit sucks, but the limit was only $500, I've been paying over 300% of the minimum every month, always 2 weeks early, yet they don't want my business. Home Depot wins there! Well, that balance is down to nothing, so I'm paying it off and then Lowe's can go fuck themselves, because they will NEVER get any of my business. I go in there to look at their prices, then when they ask if they can help me, I say "Yeah, where is the closest Home Depot, because that's where I'm shopping because Lowe's sucks!" There is also another credit card that I had for years, but unfortunately a while back, didn't pay. They closed the account, put it in collections, and I paid what I could. They were still charging interest though. Well, I made a deal with collections to pay them 3x in equal payments as a settlement. Next week is payment #3. Then that's done. PLUS I have only 6 more car payments (weekly) until THAT'S paid in full.
April and May are looking like good months so far. Now if I can just get rid of the pain in my back, I'd be all set. Eighth day of pain today, and no relief in sight in the immediate future. Ah well, such is life. An ounce of pleasure brings a pound of pain. I listed 3 ounces above, my back pain is the 3 pounds.