What a week. I had an ice cream promotion to write this week, totalling 115 orders. Then, to make matters worse, I had to write MORE to make it all work. Add to that we are introducing new frozen items, and I had to write those orders as well.
Monday...started writing Ice Cream orders (over 6 hours)
Tuesday...finished writing Ice Cream orders (4 more hours)
Wednesday...write frozen orders (15 minutes .. gotta love it!)
Thursday...organize and write ship-withs for Ice Cream orders (2 1/2 hours)
Friday...finished writing ship-withs for Ice Cream orders (forgot to time it)
Add on to all of this my normal duties, meetings, the occassional basketball game (I'm going to miss those!), but 5 skipped lunches, and I did it! The frozen business is now second nature to me. They know what to do, I know what to do, and we do it. That's why it was only a 15 minute process. Ice Cream, on the other hand, is on a learning curve. I know what they expect, they know what to do, but it's finding the right routine to do it. Ship-with's were new to me, and that's why I forgot to time it today. But, next time I'll be ready for it. I also found new ways to write the original promotional orders which will save me time for the next one.
The best of all of this? I love it! I really do. It's challenging, it's exciting, and I'm learning. When work gets "routine" I get A.D.D. ... ok I get MORE of it than I already ... oh that's a funny commercial! Did you see that one where ... oh good, weather report!