Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Not the golden child...

Then again, never said I was. Heard others at work call me that, and it wasn't because I am so well tanned. I can't help that I'm good at my job. Customer support is my life, I've been doing this type of work (bank teller, UPS phone rep, receptionist, customer support analyst) for over 20 years. It's a matter of being courteous to your customers, some basic data entry, and LEARNING your job. I never had ANYTHING at ANY job handed to me, I busted my ass for it.

Today, however, I landed on my ass and busted it. Because of the back pain from last week (yeah, I know, it's a lame excuse) and a non-routine email, I neglected a part of my job. And did not even know it until today. Well, the first thing I did was let my team know that I messed up, how it was going to affect business, and what I was doing to correct it. After reviewing this with my supervisor, I let my customer know (not EVERY detail) the issue, and how it would be corrected. Luckily, the customer knows what I do and how well I usually do to service the account. AND, being this was the first error in a LONG time, and knowing how fast it could be corrected rather than letting it "ride out" he understood and let me do what I know to do to correct this.

So, I am not a golden child. I am also, in my opinion, not the best at my job in my office. Some may disagree, but hey! To each his/her own opinion. I'm fine with it. I do know one thing though. The ONE person who I consider to be better than me? Yeah, that person is VERY good at their job, but I am VERY good at their job too. I also know that this person would NOT learn my job or be able to perform it as well as me as quickly as I caught on to it. That's my personal gloat :) Do I know everything about all of my items? Nope. Don't try to. My concern is not the items themselves, but getting the entire order to the customer. THAT'S my concern. I do not worry about an item on rollback, that's not my job right now. My job is to make sure all of my items ON THE ORDER get delivered. I know when I'll need to learn the items, and then I'll turn my attention to that. Right now? Making sure everyone in the U.S. who shop at Wal-Mart are able to purchase their chilled side dishes, their frozen meals for two to enjoy on a romantic eveninig with a loved one, and their ice cream to enjoy on a warm summer day or while sitting as a family enjoying it as a dessert is in the stores for consumers to purchase. I have my goals, I know what they are, but I'm a realist. When it's time for me to move up and/or over, THEN I'll go. Until then, what I already know just may surprise you ;)