Had the best day yesterday. Went out early to pay my car loan (now only 4 payments to go). Actually went to the location I bought it to make sure they posted as a double payment, so I don't have to go next week. The woman at the counter asked if I was ready to trade in my car. Told her nope! Car gets too good gas mileage, even at 11 years old. Plus, the next car we get is for Ann. I'll be taking her to Car-Mart for one in a few months, after we get mine done and save a few dollars to pay the sales tax. After that I went to Wal-Mart to buy a couple of rain ponchos, as the weather yesterday was not the best, and we had outdoor plans for the evening. When I got home, Ann was at work, so Anthony and I sat and watched a program I DVR every week. Then we had lunch, and he asked to play Sorry! with me. It's a board game I played when I was a kid, and I love being able to share that with him. We have so much fun, and we play it with kind of a twist. Instead of just playing ONE game, we play until someone wins X amount of games. But we don't start over after each win...we just reset our own pawns and start there. The other person still has to get all of their pawns home before THEY can start at the start. Yesterday, we played to 10. I beat him 10-9, but not without some real nail biting moments. And we finished just minutes before Ann got home from work.
We relaxed a little while, and then at 5:30 we left. Time to go to opening weekend of the NWA Naturals baseball game. Had GREAT seats. Third row, just to the left of home plate. Weather was iffy, but there was no rain when the game started. We got there, had dinner, walked around, got some pictures (they are on my Facebook page...wanna see them? Go there!) and found our seats. Amazing! When the game started, there were MAYBE 1,000 people there, and everyone was "spread out" through the stadium, so it made it rather intimate. Kinda like what you see on older TV shows, with a handful of people at minor league games. You could hear almost everything, and almost everyONE. We had 3 people behind us, one of them was also from NY, wearing a Mets jacket. We had the best time chatting with them during the game.
In the 5th inning, down by 2 runs, we tied it up. That's when the umpire FINALLY saw the lightning that had been flashing the past few minutes. I finally got to experience my first rain delay at a game. We walked around some, took some more pictures, and waited it out. The rain stopped fairly quickly but had to wait for the lightning to move out of the area. Total delay was around an hour maybe. Not bad at all. They resumed the game, and we won 5-2. GREAT game. We have the same seats for 3 more games this season. Can't wait!
The drive home was a little more adventurous. I think I started getting a little too tired to drive, because I had a mild "accident" on the way home. Not with another car. With a construction marker on the side of the road. I clipped it with my passenger side mirror. That's now cracked and broken. Yes, BOTH! Thankfully no other damage to the car, and all IN the car are fine. Made it home the rest of the way safely. Mirror still useable I think. If not, I'll get it fixed eventually.
We were going to go to today's game, but everyone is tired, Anthony has a cold (it wasn't a very warm night last night), and the weather is holding doubts of its own. So we're going to stay in and play some 3-player Sorry! instead. Hopefully will be a relaxing day for all to enjoy before we start another week of work and school.