Monday, April 6, 2009

Lovin' the Vicodin

Howdy folks! What a weekend. Friday, I worked all day at a different office, so I was unable to pay my car loan like I normally do. Saturday, the fun began. I was out at 9am to get grocery shopping done. When I got home, we unpacked everything, and back out I went. Paid the car loan, then had to stop at the office to unpack. We moved desks around, and we were allowed in Saturday to arrange our stuff. Once that was done, I came home and sat around a little while. But, being it was such a beautiful day out, and my backyard still needs some "cleaning" Anthony and I went out to work on it. The job went rather well, considering how windy it was. I even brought out my boombox to listen to my Queen CD while working. I was squatting, cutting limbs up, rockin' out. A little while went by, Ann came home from work for lunch, and I attempted to get up. I say attempted because I didn't succeed. My back went again. Luckily, Ann and Anthony were able to lift me and get me in the house. I sat on the couch and that's pretty much where I stayed. The pain was tremendous, and hasn't been that bad in a long time. I managed to get off the couch, into the bed, and slept the best I could.

Sunday morning, I woke up, turned and heard "POP!" and felt a wondrous pain in my lower back. I screamed loud enough for my friends in New York to hear me. Everyone told me to go to the hospital, but I knew what they would do. They would take me in (seeing I could walk), do a couple of x-rays, tell me "if you could walk in, you could walk out" minus the $100 ER fee. So I layed in my bed with my legs elevated. It seemed to help a little.

Today, I went to the doctor, and he is treating me for tightness and spasm. If it's not better in a few days, then I'll go in for the x-ray and MRI thing. He gave me some great pills that I started taking tonight. Hopefully I can go to work tomorrow. Wish me luck!