Welcome to my world. The sun is shining, and you can see for miles. This is a helluva difference from yesterday, when you couldn't see more than 1/4 mile for most of the day. Yes, I said MOST of the day. Why, you ask? It was SNOWING!! At the end of March, and it was friggin' SNOWING!! Ann had to work, so I drove her in and picked her up. She works close to home, but I was out earlier in it, and the roads were not the best. And, because of the snow, my weekend plan of working in the backyard was shot to hell. I couldn't clean up any of the branches (and I'm almost done too!), so I did the laundry. Now that we have a new washer/dryer, it's wonderful! White clothes came out WHITE! Not off white, tan, brown...like they had with the old machine. There was no excess water in the machine, keeping the clothes soaked, like with the old machine. I only had to run the dryer once for a load, not like the old dryer that you had to run 2 or 3 times. Sounds disguisting right? Well it was. And I absolutely hated it. One of the worst feelings in the world is knowing that you are not as clean as you know you should be, whether it's on your body or on your clothing. But, with the help of some very hard work, some sacrifices that had to be made all the way around, we got new. Got a great deal at Home Depot, and I even think the dryer is bigger than what we bought. I can't swear to it though. My memory is swiss cheese, short term worse than long term at times.
Today the sun is shining. Being the inside work is (somewhat) done, I am hoping it will dry out quick enough outside to cut up some branches. If not, being Ann is working today, Anthony and I will watch a movie or play a board game and have some fun.
PS: Wrestlemania 25 in 7 days! Place your order now, don't miss the extravaganza of the year!