It's Saturday evening, and here I am blogging. Let's face it, I'm boring. My son is in his room watching something on television, and I am in the living room, watching something on television and blogging. Ann is at work for about another hour, then she'll come home, we'll eat dinner, and sit here watching something on television. See a trend here??
Today I did the usual..went to pay my car loan and did the grocery shopping. The list was the smallest I think it's ever been, but I spent more than usual LOL! I actually bought 2 of many things (you would have thought I was buying for Noah's Ark the way it looked). Later on, Anthony went to his friend's house for awhile. While he was out, I went to the line to buy some wine, then went to Home Depot to buy a chain saw. What a combination huh? The wine is for Ann (I don't drink anymore, I am "on the wagon"), the chain saw, however, is for me! I have many tree limbs in the yard that came down with last month's ice storm and I must get rid of them.
Tomorrow looks to be a good day. I have some shopping to do. Need to get a couple of new dress shirts, and hopefully I can find a pair of pants that actually fit. These are for work, which is still nuts, but I am busy happy.
Like I said above, I'm boring!