Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday, Monday...

Was there a song with that in it? Hell, I'm old but not THAT old! Although the way I feel today, I FEEL that old. Worked in the yard yesterday, getting rid of more tree limbs that fell from the ice storm back at the start of February. Yes, I'm slow, but who cares. Nobody but the dog uses the backyard anyway. And she finds plenty of places to shit. I know this because I spent 1/2 hour yesterday finding all the landmines she left. I will bet my left nut I didn't find them all, either. After that was done, Anthony and I were cutting branches, bagging and tagging them. Today, the weather is shitty so I am feeling it. Sore all over. Told Ann if she wants it tonight, she's gonna do all the work, cuz damn I'm hurting. LOL!

Work is busy as hell, but I like it. Two days last week I was there late. Even on a Friday, I was there until 5:45pm. Feels good though, because I am learning alot. Ann was off work at 5, so I wasn't worried about Anthony not having dinner. Plus, I was watching basketball on the computer and the office was empty, so I was able to yell a bunch of shit at the players and not offending anyone in the office. ROFL!

Friday, Ann and I will be celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary. I don't know how she put up with me for so long. Epsecially when I remind her if I killed her rather than married her, at least I'd be out on parole by now. I'm hoping to surprise her with something, but haven't decided what just yet. Yeah, like I'm gonna tell you what I'm going to surprise her with. If you are reading this, you probably know her, or know how to get in touch with her, and will spoil it. Well, tough shit on you, cuz I'm not telling, so you can't spoil it. Neener neener neener!!

Next week I am going to the doctor. I have to..I made a promise! Yes, I'm going to get screened for cancer. I'm almost 40, it runs through my father's side of the family, and I have been smoking for over 25 years. NO, I am NOT getting my prostate checked, thank you. Sticking me with a needle in the arm is enough, sticking me with a finger in the ... well, NO! Someone said it's worse if I actually have it. I told them if they have to go in for it, at least I'll be ASLEEP! Thank you, enough said.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did that offend anyone? Too fucking bad to you. I've had a prostate exam before, thank you. And I've had more people I know DIE from cancer than you've ever met, so don't even go there. Would you like a list? How about multiple aunts and uncles, and one 8-year old boy who did not deserve to die! He was EIGHT fucking years old!! And you think I'M pissed about it? Talk to his mom, dad and sister! How do you think THEY feel? So please, allow me my peace. This is MY blog. Don't like it? Don't care. Close your fucking browser window and leave your pissass thoughts to yourself.