Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Hump Day...

Welcome to Wednesday evening. I don't have much time, as I have to start dinner. Ann is stuck at work so will be a little late, that's why I have the time. Work has been crazy, but good. I enjoy being busy, much better than being bored, right? There are new flavors of B&J, Breyers, and even some Starbucks coming your way soon. Be on the lookout for the bestest ice cream flavors at your local Wal-Mart!

Anthony had his first track meet on Monday. We waited 2 1/2 hours for his run, which lasted less than 3 minutes. So much different than cross country. In X-Ctry, ALL the boys run at the same time. In T&F, there are a multitude of events, so you sit and wait for your child to run, you watch, you cheer, he gets done, you go home! He ran the 800m in 2:44.6, which is fantastic. I believe it's a half-mile, so for him to be able to do that in sub 6 minutes is fantastic. He started great, then got tired on the backstretch of the 2nd lap, but still finished strong. His mom and I are very proud of him.

Next week is Spring Break, so that means no practice. That's what HE thinks! He will be running daily, possibly twice a day. Depends on my mood and how cruel I am. Hey, he wants to succeed, he's gotta work at it.

Bought tickets for the local AA baseball team here. Have tix to 5 games, 4 of them are front row!! Can't wait! Buncha different giveaways, beautiful small stadium, great games and lots of fun. Who knows, maybe this year I'll get to ride the tricycle (will fill you in IF they let me!).