Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday evening...

Had a good day today. Was great, downgraded to good. I'll explain...

Went out this morning with the wife, bought a new washer/dryer. That was great. We really need new ones. They will be delivered in 9 days. WHY 9 days you ask? The dryer is out of stock, will not be in for 7 days. That's cool. Gives me a chance to work it out at my job to work from home that day. Trying to do that without a plan in place always seems to fail for me. Also went to Wal-Mart (where else, I am in Arkansas you know), bought 2 new dress shirts and 2 new suit pants. Forgot the shoe polish though. Rats! That's OK. STILL a great day.

Came home, watched some of the NY Islanders game, they are winning. WOOHOO! Consecutive games at home, won them both! Where was this all season? STILL a great day! Decided to go outside and play with my new chainsaw. Bought it yesterday. Need it to clean up all of the down tree limbs in my yard from last month's ice storm. Tried it with a manual saw, lucky to still have my thumb. Got about 1/2 of them cut up to a decent point, STILL a great day!

Came in the house, got on Facebook, and started reading posts from a couple of friends. One of them started this morning with "Who wants to walk on the beach?" I would LOVE that! But, again, I am in Arkansas. We have lakes. I have yet to find the damned thing, and I've been here 5 1/2 years! There is a small lake, and I can honestly say unless it rains tomorrow that's where I will be for 60 minutes while I am at lunch. Then, another friend posted something, and there were 2 of us that made comments to it, all very fun. This person, who I've seen comment with me on others before, sent a friend request. It's a person I have not spoken to in about 20 years. Went through her photos (it's what I do, that's why they are there), and she looks amazing. She's got multiple pictures of herself at the beach. See a pattern here??

I lived on Long Island from 1972 until 2003 (31 years), and went to the beach CONSTANTLY when I was there. I would go for sunrises, sunsets, middle of the day, even at night when the place was "closed". You were not keeping me away from the water. Now I have been away from it for 5 1/2 years, and I found it's killing me!

Because of this, my day was downgraded from GREAT to GOOD. Don't tell my boss. The motto at work is "Good to Great!" He won't like this. I don't like it either. I feel a road trip coming real soon. Anyone got a corner I can sleep in?