Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bracket busting and other random stuff...

Happy Saturday all. It's kinda dreary out right now, been raining. Not hard or bad, but enough to make it "ick". Ann is working today. Anthony and I are flipping channels between A&E and NCAA Basketball. I am in a bracket at work, not doing great, but still have some chances. Finished 3d last year, so I still hope. Plus it makes the games interesting. Otherwise, I have no interest in basketball. Never have been really.

As you may or may not know, I am addicted to Facebook. They recently changed their layout, and personally I think it sucks. But it's a great way to keep up with people I have not spoken to in forever. However ... I have found that some of my "old friends" are not really those I would prefer to hang with as "new friends" at this point. I have different beliefs, different feelings, different ideas than they do. And that's fine. I've said it before ... everyone has an opinion and that doesn't make anyone wrong, just different. So, those that I once knew are back where they belong ... in the past.

Does this make me a bad person? I don't believe so. I didn't make any promises to any of these people that said I would be there forever. They didn't make any promises to me that they would be there for me forever. Let's put it this way. Were ANY of them there when my wife and I lost our 2 children at birth? Did any of them come over, or call, to cry with my wife and myself trying to get us through a very trying time? There is ONE friend on my Facebook friends list who was, and SHE will be my friend forever, no matter what. Yeah, you will say "well I wasn't there. We weren't friends then and I had no idea." Oh well. None of the "friends" I had ever picked up a phone after a couple of years to call my old number and ask my mom "Hey, it's so and so, can you have Nick give me a call". Everyone still remembers the butt ugly green house I lived in, knows exactly where it is, but didn't quite remember the phone number to call or the address to send a note. Nope, they up and left to live their lives and the hell with the short ugly guy that lived on that street nearby.

I have actually heard "friends" say "Oh, I haven't spoken to so and so in years, and I'm SO NERVOUS about calling them". Did any of you mother fuckers ever pick up a phone to call me? My fucking phone number is listed on my Facebook page. So you know what? I'll play the Facebook game. I will be fun, interesting, chat through postings when the mood strikes, but to say we are great friends again? Hell no. I know who the true friends on my list are, and more importantly THEY know who they are, because I indirectly let them know, and they let me know that they feel similar about me. If you don't feel it? Guess where the fuck that leaves you??