Friday, August 21, 2009
Busy weekend...
Came home today after working 9 hours, relaxed a bit then mowed the front lawn. Was going to mow the backyard also, but I'm old! I'm tired! It will wait. Tomorrow morning I have to go into the office. Well, I don't HAVE to go in, but I can do my work easier with 2 monitors and a full keyboard. There is an ice cream promotion shipping next week, and they need ship withs. That's my job. Hopefully it won't take me but a couple of hours. And there's no set time I have to go in, it's whenever I wake up and go. Then I get to come home and relax (maybe mow the back lawn). Anthony has a black/gold student athlete thing at 6pm which I have to take him to, and stay for. Hopefully that gets done early, but I know for a fact it won't. Sunday afternoon I'm playing poker. There is a tournament at a local casino that I'm planning on playing in. Sunday night is WWE Summerslam. Good thing for DVR's because I'm taping it, hoping that I am not home in time for the start. Think about it asshole! If I'm home early, I fucking LOST in the tournament. Is that what you want? Then fuck off! Your opinion obviously means shit to me anyway, so what the fuck do I care what you think?