Sunday, August 30, 2009

Been a few days...

Let's see. Last weekend I played poker on Sunday at Cherokee Casino. It was one of their "special" tournaments..higher than usual buy-ins. I was in a tournament of 77 and finished 34th, beaten by a suckout flush over my made flush on the flop. Part of that was my fault. I bet too little after the flop, and the guy that called couldn't have put me on the flush and had many draws to make a hand. Unfortunately for me, the flush was one of them and he made it on the turn. What can you do. I knew going in if I was going to lose, I was going to take a bad beat to make it happen. Sure enough, it did.

The work week was par for the course. Had quite a few meetings, and actually had to miss one because an earlier one ran over and I had work to catch up on. I didn't miss much though. I was able to be filled in by my CFR, so that was good.

Yesterday, Anthony and I mowed most of the back lawn. It was getting dark and the mower ran out of gas, so we quit for the night. Today, I played in the same type tournament I did last Sunday. This time there were only 34 players, and I finished in 17th place. Caught KK under the gun, raised, got a caller, then someone else went all in. I knew what he had, but called anyway. Sure enough, I was facing AA. There was a 3rd caller and she had K6 suited, so I had one out. Of course, it didn't hit, the AA tripled up, and I was done. Ah well. Such is life. But now poker is out of my system for awhile, so it will keep me from getting bored with something I enjoy doing, but can't do very often due to my limited bankroll. Besides, have too many plans for Christmas shopping, so have to start saving now.

That's about it. TTFN!