Friday, September 4, 2009

The end of the summer...

Yep, it's that time. It really didn't even feel much like summer this year. Yeah, there were some days that were rather warm, but not like it has in the past. I saw on the news that in 2000 the record temperature a little south of here hit 109 degrees. Now THAT'S a summer! I don't recall if we had days of 100 degrees here this year, we may have had one or two. Well, we are at the start of September and the temperature is not going higher than 85 if we're lucky.

Anthony seems to be doing well with Cross Country practice. He has no problems getting up at 6:10am. I, however, have some complaints! I'm used to sleeping until 6:30 or 6:45. That 20 minutes is something I could really use back. But it's the weekend now. Hopefully I'll get some of that 20 minutes back. Monday he will be running a 5k race in the morning. Then next Saturday he has his first cross country meet of the season. I'm very proud of him.