Let's see. I woke up at 6:15, took Anthony to the bus to get to his XC meet today, then went to the meet, came home and relaxed a bit. Then went to get Anthony, came home, he went in the shower, I mowed the front lawn. Came in, showered, started watching the AR/AL football game (we lost, no surprise). Decided about 4pm to go lay down. Woke up at 7:20 when wife came home with food for dinner. I hardly ate. Why do I nap so much better than I sleep at night?
Anyway, I told you last week about Anthony's XC meet and we didn't know the time. Found out earlier this week. 14 minutes 1 second. Where the hell does this kid get it from?? I am very proud of him.
Today, he had another meet in Siloam Springs. The hills on this course are HUGE. They go about 30 degrees up I guess. Please understand, at the pace he's been improving, he should be able to run the last 2 mile course of the season faster than I would be able to drive it! I also didn't tell him, but I knew with this race he was going to hit the wall. There's no way he's going to continually improve at this pace the way he's been the past couple of races. Well, I was "kinda" right. He didn't do better time wise. Today his time was 14 minutes 39.8 seconds (yes POINT 8, I timed it this time). And he was feeling sick to his stomach when he was done. But he still did very well, and finished under 15 minutes.
I remember this course from last year, and it took him well over 16 minutes to finish. He did a fantastic improvement from last year, which is what I hoped for. I also remember last year, we took him home directly after his run, and he was sick then too. The hill is very hard for him to run, but he was fine after resting, doing the cool down run, and having fluids put back into his body.
Well, that's about it for now. Hopefully will sleep before the sun rises. TTFN!