Thursday, October 1, 2009

No X-Country this weekend

Ann has been looking at Anthony's grades online, but I haven't. Today Anthony had homework that he gets off the teacher's website, and for that he has to use my laptop. For some reason, the other computer keeps kicking us off the website. I guess there is a program or something we are missing. Anyway, after he was done, I decided to take a peek at his grades for myself. Well, apparently his mother doesn't tell me anything. It's a great friggin' secret. She said she looked at them last week and "they weren't so bad". I would like to know her definition of "they weren't so bad" because his BEST grade was a middle C. Well, I spoke to Anthony about it, and he knew his grades were bad. Guess what that means? It means he will NOT be running in the Holiday Island meet this weekend. I immediately emailed his coach after talking to him and let her know. I also told him that if I do not see an improvement next week, he will miss the Van Buren meet. He will also be missing the Chili Festival and the Rogers meets if his grades do not improve. If they decide to excuse him from the team, that's fine with me. I told him at the start, if the grades are bad, it's too bad he won't be running.

Well, at least I'll get to sleep this weekend!