Good day all. What a week it's been! Last weekend, Ann and I decided to make Christmas come a little early, and bought Anthony a new television for his room. He's had the same one since we moved in. We bought it for the house the day we moved in because the movers were not going to have ours here for a couple of days, and we needed something. It's a simple 13" TV, and fit well in there. Well, we had been saying for Christmas we'd get him a 21" flat panel. After talking last Sunday, we found we could get it now, so we don't buy everything in December. Yeah, I know, I could have waited a couple of more weeks for the holiday sales. But, think about it, the sales are on the BIG stuff. You are not finding many deals on a smaller TV. So, we went to Sam's and bought it.
Now, you know the saying "an ounce of pleasure for a pound of pain"? Well, it's continuing to be the motto for my life. Tuesday night, my wife went to shut down the home computer and it was beeping. A long, annoying beep, followed by a small bit of quiet, then another long beep. OK, this is bad. Shut it down, waited a few minutes, turned it back on, same thing. Shut it down again. Next morning, turned it on, same stupid beeping. Alrighty then, time for a new one. I could have brought this one in for repair, but it's old and I had a feeling the repair cost would be as much as a new one. So, during lunch on Wednesday, went out and bought a new one. That afternoon it was fairly quiet at work, and I started getting another of my regular daily migraines (one looming on the horizon now as a matter of fact), so I left at 3pm, knowing I would be back online from home at 3:30. At 3:45pm, I lost my internet at home. What the hell happened? So, I decided to disconnect EVERYTHING, hook up the new computer, let the modem and Linksys cool down, and have it all working in about 1/2 hour or so. That plan failed miserably. I got the wireless to work, but no phone (I have Vonage). Then I got the phone to work, but no internet. Then I lost everything again. After about 2 hours I called Vonage. Turned out my modem was fine, but the Linksys IP address reset to and would not allow anything else to communicate. This also reset my Vonage modem. The guy who helped me was fantastic, and VERY knowledgeable. Needless to say, I was out for 3 hours.
Work on the other hand has been VERY busy, which I enjoy. The only BAD thing is, I am never sure what I'm not doing because I'm working on something else. Turns out my fears are for naught, because everything is taken care of. Did have an "interesting" conversation with my supervisor though. He was a little upset because of something I said to HIS boss, and I am now under the impression that my company is no longer "open door" because God forbid you say something that is on your mind, you are a bad person. OH WELL! I was also told that the manager we used to have, who was my ally, is gone and I no longer have any allies at work. Let me clear something up right now. The manager who left was not my ally, at least not in my eyes. He was my mentor, and I considered him a friend. And for those of you who know me, I call VERY FEW people my friend. And I miss having my friend in the office. But, you know what? He is a fantastic person, the smartest business person I believe I have ever met, and the move is fantastic for him and a wonderful way to provide for his family. Good for him, bad for us (ounce to pound right?).
Anyway, everything is still good. I am not worried about my job. I am learning (sometimes the hard way) that I am currently in an office that I have to watch every word I say because it will come flying back at me, and that's fine. I talk to few, now it will be fewer. Most, if not all, will get a "good morning" and that's about it. *SMILE*