Yeah, I normally don't post this close together, but the way I felt when I woke up this morning made me think to post, just in case. I had a migraine to beat all hell, a pain in my neck which I don't know if is tight muscles, a pinch nerve, or a bad disc in my neck, plus a sharp shooting pain that felt like it was going THROUGH my brain into my eyes, rather than up the back of my head and into my eyes. The most fun part of this all was when the bridge I was driving on to get to my office(which is under construction by the way) went from 2 lanes to one. It didn't in reality, but in my eyes, YES IT DID! I left work around 11ish, got home alive (somehow) and went straight to my room. That's where I spent the next 2 1/2 hours, under the covers, and I mean UNDER the covers (head to toe) and tried to get rid of the pain. It left, I ate lunch, and now I'm supposed to be starting dinner. Nope! I feel everything coming back, and that means I am not getting up for fear I'll fall down again.
Anthony is running XC this weekend. His grades are improving, and he's working with the teachers to make up as much work as he can. So I am letting him run. However, the run is in Van Buren, which is down by Fort Smith and an 80 mile drive one way from us. I may or may not go. Next weekend is the Chili Pepper Festival 5k run and I'm definitely going to that one, provided I don't have other plans like my own funeral.
Played poker last night. I was thinking about it most of the morning yesterday, then Ann got a call to go into work. So, I decided I wasn't going to go. Then a friend of mine posted on Facebook that he was going, so off I went. We met up, chatted a few minutes, had a quick beer (so much for sobriety LOL!) and went to play. I think he was out early, because I didn't see him around at the break. I wound up finishing in 9th out of a field of 60 which wasn't bad, but they only paid top 6. I hate A-10, suited or not. Overall, it was fun though.
Well, that's about it. Keep an eye on the obits page. If you find my name, let me know ok?