Monday, October 12, 2009

I'm a touch UPSET!!

Being a parent is not easy, this much I am learning. Yeah, there were issues when Anthony was younger, but not due to anything he did. It was due to unforeseen circumstances which caused me to just not give a damn. Well, that's in the past, and now I consider myself to be a decent father. I try to give my son everything he wants (within reason of course), fair but firm. Hell, I drove 80 miles ONE WAY to watch him run his Cross Country meet this weekend.

Well, tomorrow and Thursday he wanted to attend the tryouts for the bowling team. This means I have to leave work early, pick him up at school, then take him to the bowling alley while he does his thing, and I have to wait there for an hour. Thursday would be his mom's turn. I decided to look at his grades today to see what updates from the weekend there were by the teachers. It not only didn't get better, but one grade got FAR worse. Needless to say, now I'm pissed. I've already told him forget the bowling team. I'm real close to emailing his XC coaches and telling them he will not be running the final 2 meets of the season because of his grades. Right now I'm holding off, because I don't want to take everything away without giving myself a chance to calm down.

I did give him the "what for" about it. Fortunately for him, I did not raise my hands (for those of you who read this that think it's wrong for me to spank a child as discipline when it's WELL deserved, I dare you to say or do something about it, and then God help you!!), but I did yell alot. And LOUD too.

Oh well, I'm done pissing now. Thank you for listening.