Right now sitting here "discussing" what to have for dinner with my wife. It looks like I'm having Cocoa Puffs, because by the time we decide on anything, I'm gonna be too hungry to wait.
Have I mentioned I hate holidays? The last couple of days I have had so many issues with warehouses and carriers it's unreal! Next week hopefully will be a little quieter, but I am doubting it. Add to that it's a short week because of Thanksgiving, and wheeeeeee! Shoot me now. Please!
Other than that not much going on. Oh! Won a poker tournament last Saturday. It was a rebuy at Cherokee, and I rebuy a few times, but came out ahead in the end so that worked. Sunday, Ann and I went to Downstream and I played in another tournament. So much for "being ahead in the end" but we had a real good time.
Deciding if I want to go to Walmart on "Black Friday". Not sure what is on sale yet. Will have to see and decide when it gets closer.